Healthy Challenege – Weight Loss

Written by Jonathan

One of the most common questions we get is ‘How do I lose weight?’ and the simple answer is of course eat less and exercise more. Easy Right? Almost every single one of our client’s has tried this strategy at least once but it never seems to work out. Why is that? We all have the best of intentions, but we never seem to be able to make it stick. The fact is that most people try to make unrealistic, extreme or just too many changes and as soon as we find it too challenging to keep it up we slide into our old habits. So, after this holiday season I challenge you to make one small change that will benefit you in some healthy way. I’m talking about getting off the bus two stops early, eating an apple instead of a muffin for a snack or reading a book in the evening instead of watching television, because sometimes making one small change no matter how seemingly insignificant can have a large positive impact on your entire life and you may not even realize it.




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