7 Exercises You Can Do at Home Without Any Equipment
Posted on September 16, 2015Here are 7 exercises you can do at home without any equipment and get even MORE health benefits than actually going to the gym. Be prepared to be shocked, no fancy or gimmicky equipment required *cough – Bowflex, Shaker weight, Thighmaster, and Total Body Chuck Norris Machine. I don’t even know the real name for most of these.
What I do know is they collect dust worse than a P90x or Jillian Michaels DVD Box set. I guess you can at least hang your clothes on the equipment, but is a fancy clothes hanger really worth 4 easy payments of $29.99, plus applicable taxes, plus shipping and handling? Oh wait, maybe if we throw in a second fancy piece of clothes hanging equipment for absolutely FREE it will be worth it.
1. Push-ups – There’s a reason these beauties are in every single exercise program that doesn’t require any equipment, it’s because they are the second best and easiest upper body exercise you can do. If you have functioning arms there is literally no barrier for you doing this exercise. It can be done on the wall, stairs, couch or floor, from your knees or feet, on two arms or one arm, plus you can place your hands in a variety of places that change the exercise up entirely.
2. Pull-ups – Push-ups are number 2 because these puppies are number 1. Most people have under-developed upper back muscles which is why this exercise is so great, plus strong backs are very useful and they look a-mazing-inggg . Unfortunately they require a bar and are very challenging especially for beginners, which is why we recommend you start with Number 3…The
3. Low Trap Punch – This guy is Great with a capital ‘G’ for your back, shoulders and posture. Try and keep your hands above your elbows the whole time for maximum benefit. This one is way harder than it looks and if you don’t believe me just try it for yourself.
With all this upper-body work your legs are definitely getting jealous now…
4. Split Squats – Some people call these ‘bad boys’ lunges, but around here lunges have way more moving parts and are a step up in the ‘challenge’ ring so let’s master these first. On a side note MOST people would have put squats here, but those are boooor-ing and harder to do properly. Split squats are where it’s at because you have to work on your balance, they better target your glutes and make your thighs scream (obviously the good kind of scream, not the cheesy horror movie kind) plus you never have to worry about hurting your back.
5. Clam Shells – These need to be on here because your ‘Buns of Steal’ VHS doesn’t even get to collect dust anymore, since you threw it’s unused ‘ass’ out (pun intended). Keep your hips stable with this one. It’s so easy to cheat and let yourself role back when you do it. For a little added difficulty use your top hand to push down on your knee.
I saved the best and most asked for last, the old AB ‘SHRED’, but don’t be fooled strong ABS are made through exercise, ‘shredded’ ABS are made (but more often lost) in the kitchen.
6. Front Plank – I’m tired of hearing about this exercise because it shows up on every single one of these lists but you need to master it before you can do this one, which is way more ‘fun’ and effective. (Sometimes my abs get so sore from this one I have to take a day off from pull-ups, if that hardly even makes sense to you stick with me. (I will teach you why on another day)
7. Side Plank – This guy is last on this list, but not last in my heart, he so often gets overlooked and overshadowed by his less useful but sadly more popular brother, Front Plank (FP apparently photographs better in magazines). Side Plank is great because he trains your obliques and hip abductors which are under developed muscles in most people. He can be made very easy for beginners (from your knees) or very hard (on one leg with multiple moving appendages). Wait a minute what’s an appendage? (That’s not important now, stay focused) Your obliques help to stabilize your spine. Who doesn’t want that?
This list could be bigger and more in-depth but it cover’s ‘the basics’ so you should start here. Besides you probably already knew every single one of the exercises on this list, but you still have trouble finding the time to fit them in, that’s why you should download our Motivational Tool Kit it’s 100% useful and FREE.
I’m just sorry you won’t be able to hang your clothes on it while you’re not using it.